Follow Me Canine Companions
Miniature American Shepherds
Providing puppies for companionship, performance sports and occasionally for show.
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Fur Ever Able Rehab
Fur Ever Able Dog Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre in Ontario, Canada.
Please consider donating
Please consider joining me in donating to this deserving rehab centre for young animals.
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Little Kazoo was the ninth and last puppy to be born. He was born with no tail and a genetic defect called a fistula. From birth to week 4 life was fairly normal for this little guy as his mother fed and cleaned him after every feeding and through out the day. Things began to get more challenging as he weaned from mom. Kazoo will need special round the clock care until he can get surgery when he is old enough, around 6 months old. After that he should lead a fairly normal life. I am extremely grateful that Fur Ever Able is willing to take on this challenge and give Kazoo the care and attention he needs until he can be adopted.